Alternative Power Services

Solar Power and Wind Farms are our specialty as well, we worked on different sites and achieved our clients expectations. we are excited to offer clean energy solutions that have less negtaive impact on our planet.

Installation And Maintenance

We do installation of different equipment such as power generators and transformers, we also perform troubleshooting and repair. Let us know if you have any question, we will do our best to achieve your expectations.

Purification And Treatment

In order to maintain proper working conditions , we use variety of oils for cooling, insulating and lubricating. regular oil treatment is the key to extend the life of the power transformers and avoid costly repairs.

What We Do

SSPT team of experts have been completing the installation and commissioning of high voltage equipment and power units for more than 20 years, we worked on power plants, transmission and distribution sub-stations, we service all fields including private, public, commercial and governmental sectors worldwide.

We offer project management, high voltage transformer testing, installation, commssioning and much more, all our services are delivered following the highest safety, quality and environmental standars, we abide by the industry rules and regulations according to the city / town where the project is located.

Our professional team is easy to work with, we work closely with the clients to identify and control every conceivable factor of the project to ensure:

  • All site and program schedules are maintained.
  • All reports, documents are in place.
  • Furthermore, any potential variations are counterbalanced.

Backed by skilled professionals with extensive experience, know-how and state of the art equipment and tools, SSPT can provide service for any type of power transformer.


We have served many clients and met their expectations, they are more than happy to share their experience of using our services with you, the reviews will be provided upon request.

Quality Vs Cost:

At SSPT, you get the best of both worlds, we go the extra mile to deliver the best service at low cost, that is how we established a long term relation with our clients, before beginning any project, we research and calculate all the aspects to complete the work at low cost and timely manner without compromising the quality.

Have Questions?

Feel free to contact us if you have any question regarding our services, we will be more than happy to talk to you.